Su di noi
Presentazione Della Società
S52 s.p.a. e stata fondata nel'anno 2000. Il nome proviene dal più famoso prodotto slivovizza 52% contenuto del'alcol.
Leggete le più recenti informazioni sulle nostre attività, novità, e nuovi servizi che abbiamo preparato per voi.
La storia della distillazione
Convincenti prove sul predecessore della tecnica di distillazione arrivano dalla Irlanda e dalla Scozia già dal 11. secolo.
Termine tecnico della distillazione proviene dalle basi della parola "dis = divisione" e "stillo = a goccia a goccia".
Genuino spirito di frutta
Contiene distillato di frutta o l'alcol del particolare tipo di frutta prodotto con appropriato processo tecnologico e l'acqua.

Expansion of points of sales by hyper-markets Hypernova
s52, a.s. expanded its distribution for retail customers by including 22 hyper-markets HYPERNOVA into its sales network. s52, a.s. would like to inform its customers and supporters of genuine fruit distillate that its wide range of products will become available on shelves of HYPERNOVA since March 2009.
The sales network currently includes large chain operators such as METRO, TESCO, or KAUFLAND, small retail, and wholesale partners.

Participation at Horacky tasting 2009
The representatives of s52, a.s. participated with 2 samples of its true fruit spirits at 2nd annual tasting event “Horacky tasting 2009 of Plum Spirits and other Fruit Spirits in Loukavice, Trebic land, Czech Republic. The tasting took place Saturday, January 31st, 2009. This event provides with an exceptional opportunity in dimensions of Central Europe to present, assess and degust fruit distillates.
Accessories to s52 Products
s52, a.s. offers the following accessories produced from natural materials.
Mirabel distillate 52 %
s52, a.s. introduces a new distillate that will remind you of plum distillate but contains more tender and less aromatic essences.
Raspberry distillate 52 %
s52, a.s. introduces a new distillate a transparent, fresh, ample and aromatic spirit that invokes a jam fragrance and light sweet fruit relish.
Red Currants distillate 52 %
s52, a.s. introduces a new distillate a fresh, light spirit with delicate aroma and savour that leaves a tiny bit of spicy aftertaste.