s52 pravé ovocné destiláty




We offer you the following accessories which are manufactured from natural materials.

drevená kazeta

Wooden Cassette

Genuine fruit distillate in the original packaging from the bright wood with mechanic surface corrections and straw interior.

drevená klietka

Wooden Cage

The package, in which the curves of genuine fruit distillate will excel from each side.

drevený kufrík

Wooden Boot

The luxurious gift set of three genuine fruit distillates in a case made of bright wood with precise surface correction, gilded handle and three straw interiors.

kartonová taška

Cardboard Bag

It will make the jubilant two-folded gladness.

jutová taška

Jute Bag

Stylish bag made of jute creates a natural package, which multiplies the origin of the distillate, with no interference that would affect its unique qualities.





Tailored made vintage

Tailored made vintage

Genuine fruit distillate

Pravý ovocný destilát