s52 pravé ovocné destiláty



Product Lines

Our company focuses on production of genuine fruit distillates of 52 %.
The variety in our products offers the selection of the best genuine fruit distillates.

The entire portfolio of products includes 11 genuine fruit distillates, one wine distillate and one grain distillate – respectively rye distillate.

The mentioned portfolio is delivered in 3 basic product lines in the market:


The genuine fruit distillate denoted PRIM represents a distillate in a “classic”, clear form. This product line underlines the inner character, homogeneity, and strength of fruit distillate chained in the delicate art work of transparent glass.


The genuine fruit distillates denoted LIGNUM represents products, which are in process of maturing soften. Their unique taste and specific aroma is obtained by inserting a mulberry wood into a bottle. The presence of the wood symbolizes the origin of fruit distillates with nature.



The third product line respectively modification in our portfolio conceives a distillate of any kind in our assortment, which is “adjusted by fruit” respectively the piece of fruit. The resulting effect is a product with charming and harmonic aroma and strong gentle taste.

Our genuine fruit distillates, apart from the mentioned qualities, are special for a long-term storing capability (more than 12 months up to several years), which contributes to strikingly pleasant aroma and harmonic taste.





Tailored made vintage

Tailored made vintage

Genuine fruit distillate

Pravý ovocný destilát